Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Strong Beliefs of Aerin from McKinleys Hero and the Crown and Elle

The Strong Beliefs of Aerin from McKinley's Hero and the Crown and Ellen from Gibbon's Ellen Foster In the 1970's, rock artist David Bowie wrote a hit song entitled "Changes" that included these lines: "And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds/Are immune to your consultations/They're quite aware of what they're going through." These lyrics hint at the numerous weighty issues young teenagers must resolve while going through the "changes" that will lead to a development of adult moral codes. As any young adult will testify, an undefined moral atmosphere can result in difficulty making decisions (to cheat on a test or not to cheat on a test?), a problem that can become even more pronounced with the addition of pressure from peers, media, family, and religion. However, some teens have experiences that result in the shaping of a strong will and as a consequence can easily form ethical convictions with nary a doubt. Two teens from this year's English Festival book selections fall into the latter category. Both Aerin from Robin McKinley's The Hero and the Crown and Ellen from Kaye Gibbon's Ellen Foster exhibit strong moral beliefs formed during their early teen years. Some of the values and beliefs Aerin and Ellen share are independence, self-sufficiency, and a mistrust for authority. Each girl's unique experiences help shape these beliefs, and both girls manife... ...o piqued that she develops her own plan to prove she is not just the silly girl everyone thinks she is: She will become a dragon-killer. Aerin's mistrust of the ability of authority figures to judge her capacities correctly will lead her to continually exceed expectations. Aerin and Ellen have each formed strong moral and ethical beliefs at a young age, beliefs that will likely remain with them throughout their lives. They have come through the changes in their turbulent adolescent years with flying colors, building a firm moral foundation. To borrow another line from the famed Bowie song, Aerin and Ellen are ready to "turn and face the strange" future that lies ahead and the changes it will bring.

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